Friday, October 10, 2008

Magically Delicious

This morning as I am getting ready for work and eating breakfast as I notice the Lucky charms cereal box in front of me. On the front Lucky is advertising that they have a new shape; the hourglass! It is gold and yellow, and as I look over the side panel of the box, it appears that all the colours are represented, and everything seems to be in order.
Then it hits me smack in the face, Where are the pots of gold? The yellow pots with the gold on top! They were replaced with hourglasses? Are we in the Wizard of Oz and Lucky (Dorthy) only has so much time to live? Is this some kind of horrible foreshadowing that Lucky Charms will only be in store for a 'limited time' (gasp!). I, personally was under the impression that with a leprechaun comes a pot of gold. Should the cereal not look like the picture on the right?
I look to the back of the box for more information. I discover that when Lucky uses an hourglass, it make everything go backwards (in time was my guess). That's a cool power to have, but when did Lucky get powers? Is he not just lucky? Is that not the purpose of a leprechaun, to be lucky and give you some of his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
On the back of the box there is also a comic strip showing how Lucky uses the hourglass to foil some kids out of their box of lucky charms.
Should Lucky not use his pot of gold to pay rent, and stop sleeping in the forest. Maybe then he wouldn't have to steal cereal from unsuspecting kids.

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