Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years

I am not the kind of person who likes to make New Year's resolutions. Whenever I have in the past I end up breaking them at some point during the year... then I treat them more as guidelines, until they are eventually forgotten.
I do know that my life is completely FUCKED right now in terms of taking care of myself. The endless parade of parties, drinks, bars, drinks, men, drinks, joints, drinks, drinks, and more drinks. Not to mention my complete disregard for diet or sleep schedule.
Instead of making rules to follow to better my life, I've decided to take a more so analytical approach to the new year.
2009 was not necessarily a good year for me. In January I moved into my own place. In April I started my second job, and have been working about sixty hours a week since. In June was the completion of my relationship. The summer flew by in drunken haze of socializing, drinking, parties and what-not. Through-out August and September I spent every waking
minute with a best friend. Things got complicated as they always do, and that relationship was cast away. The pain of that still hasn't quite subsided on certain days. I've also had a lot of bad luck and many disappointing social situations. Obviously there has been some good stuff too, but as a creature of the darkened world, I can't help but dwell on the negative.
My analytical side has allowed me to discover that throughout the negative quarries of 2009, there are many useful lessons that I can learn from these situations, and mistakes of the past year. Hopefully I can take these lessons with me as I grow.
Some of these include....

Be true to yourself, admit when you are unhappy, and try to change things to make yourself happy.
Keep an eye on your instincts, and stick to your standards.
Don't be afraid of your feelings.
It you want something, go after it. Don't let your fear or anyone else's stop you from what you want.
Just because it sounds like fun, think about the damage to yourself internally.
If someone isn't everything you are looking for, they are not the right person for you. Don't waste your energy.

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