Sunday, April 27, 2008

Let's go to Lunch

Looking around me, enjoying my lunch I see a couple; one with a burger, the other with a sandwich. They are both hunched over the tabletop, biting into their food, with sauces dripping down their arms.
There is a man eating Chinese food. Noodles are hanging out of his mouth, and he is slurping them up loudly. A larger woman is devouring a pastry, while crumbs fall all over her and the book she is completely engaged in.
Eating is not an appealing feature, however it is something we see displayed again and again as, "the dinner date".
It starts with the awkward concern for price. Are you paying? Is someone else? If they are, what is their price point? Do you go for the steak or stick with a cheap sandwich.
This is followed with the fest. You try not to spill anything, or look foolish. Let's not forget that food can get caught in your teeth, or sauce could appear on your face. How do you have any way to know this without being told by the very person you are trying to impress?
Why is it we choose to eat out together?
Many years ago you could tell a persons stature, and manners simply by the elegance at which they applied to eating.
However now stature is slightly less important, and eating out is a social movement.
Eating out is as common with friends, as seeing them. Ever so popular is the phrase, let's go to lunch.

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