Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where's Christmas?

I feel as though Christmas is a million miles away. It's weird to walk through the malls and see all the bright decorations, hear the music playing, but not feel it inside. Usually by this time my ex and I would have already watched all our Christmas movies, and by working through them a second time. We would have the Christmas music playing on the radio, and be dancing and decorating. I realized we would also be plotting when to get our tree, and when we did, we would walk it the two blocks home singing 'Oh Christmas tree".
Then it kind of dawned on me. Christmas is about sharing the day with people you love. Whether it's just one day, or a couple weeks or silly stuff you do with someone. It's about being around and laughing with people you love.
This year my sister will be staying with me throughout the holidays. I'm also cooking Christmas dinner, and no one has called to bail out yet like previous years. Maybe I will feel it more so when my sister arrives. Maybe we'll watch movies and decorate together. Maybe I'll feel it on Christmas when everyone is around. Maybe I'll never feel it... we'll see

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